

We offer a wide range of programming that invites people to engage with God from right where they are and to walk with Holy Spirit on their faith journey.

Education As United Methodists, we believe that everyone is on a life-long, incomplete faith journey. At Carter, we recognize that this means that everyone has unique needs when it comes to Christian Education and faith development. We offer a wide variety of programming designed to speak to everyone, including weekly Bible studies and sermon discussions, monthly social justice forums, short-term studies, day and weekend retreats, book groups, and intimate spiritual development groups. No matter where you are on your faith journey, there is a place for you here.

Fellowship At Carter, we believe that connecting with each other in fellowship is an important way of connecting with God and growing our faith together. Our church community offers many ways to engage throughout the year from church-wide activities to smaller group events. With so many activities, you are sure to find a home!