

In-person worship has resumed in the sanctuary.
Worship with us in-person, or online on YouTube, and Facebook, as well as this site on our Messages page.

Carter is a diverse community of faith grounded in scripture, experience, tradition, and reason. Sunday services are in our Needham sanctuary at 10:00 am and live-streamed on social media. Our service is a blend of both traditional and contemporary worship styles that we hope you find uplifting, fulfilling, and comfortable! To get a preview of what worshiping with us is like, visit our Messages page to view an example of a recent service.

Worship Services are on Needham Cable TV
Worship Services are on Needham Cable TV

Needham Cable: Comcast 9, Verizon 29, & RCN 15:
Wednesday @ 3:00 p.m.,
Thursday @ 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.,
Friday @ 1:00 p.m.

To stay up to date use this link:

On the Calendar

Thursday, July 25, 2024
Mission Trip

Friday, July 26, 2024
Mission Trip
1:00 p.m., Mahjong, Parlor
6:30 p.m., AA, PM Hall

Sunday, July 28, 2024,
10th Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 a.m., In Person and Live Streaming Worship, Sanctuary
6:30 p.m., Al-Anon, Volunteer Office

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
8:00 p.m. AA, Volunteer office

Friday, August 2, 2024
6:30 p.m. AA, PM Hall

Sunday, August 4, 2024
11th Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 a.m. In Person and Live Streaming Worship, Sanctuary
6:30 p.m. Al-Anon, Volunteer Office

We're continually planning meaningful gatherings and activities for our community. Please remember to check back regularly to stay informed about these events and join in the wonderful experiences we have in store for you.


Summer Mission Trip 2024

The trip will go from Sunday, July 21st after church service to Friday, July 26th (the work days will be Monday through Thursday). We will again be going to the United Methodist Economic Ministry (previously known as Salem Economic Ministry) which serves the people in the regions around Salem and Howland, Maine.

If you have a desire to help others and a willingness to work, then reach out to sign up or get more information if you have any questions. All ages are welcome and encouraged! If you are 13 years of age or younger you will need to be accompanied by a parent. Right now there are no definitive projects in place - there will be a variety of projects available and they will be assigned to us based on the skill levels and experience of those on the trip.

The cost for the trip will be $300 for church members, and $500 for non-church members. There are scholarships available for church members who need them - we do not want for anyone to have a barrier to coming and serving on this mission trip. You will need to talk with Tim or Pastor Sandra if the scholarship is needed. Last year all who went had a wonderful time! Through this experience and the discussions of our team, we have decided this year that we will have a cap of 20 people total for the trip. First to sign up and submit their deposit will get the slots until the total trip count is reached. So do not wait, contact us today and register! I know a number of people who attended are looking forward to going again this year so I anticipate slots will fill up fast! Reach out to Tim with any questions or interest.

We will have a cap of 20 people total for the trip. The first to sign up and submit their deposit will get the slots until the total trip count is reached.
Sign up here:

Mission Trip Collection

For those who are interested in donating things to be brought up, we will be collecting the following household items to bring with us to donate to their pantry. They will always accept clothes donations - what they are specifically in need of is:

Adult Tooth Brushes
Toilet Paper
Dish Soap
Laundry Soap

We will be collecting these items until July 19th as we will load them July 20th and head up July 21st. Thank you!

Carter Book Group

Would you enjoy discussing some great spiritual books with friends? We'd love to have you join us! In 2024 we will meet three more times and have selected these books:

September: Dusk, Night, Dawn (Anne Lamont)
November: The In-between (Hadley Vlahos)

All books are available at local libraries. Feel free to join us for one or more of the discussions.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 25th at 9:30 AM in the church parlor. If you have any questions or would like to join the mailing list, please contact Lynn Rodman at

Generic Ministry Drive

At Carter Memorial United Methodist Church, the Generic Ministry Drive is underway, inviting members and attendees to contribute essential items to support those in need.

A dedicated bin stationed in the narthex awaits donations. 
Tissue Packs, lip balm, travel-sized sunscreen and lotion, umbrellas, sneakers all adult sizes. Sweatpants and hoodies - all adult sizes. Men's NEW underwear - all sizes. T-shirts - small and medium. Men's and Women's shorts - small and medium.

Through collective generosity, the Carter Memorial community endeavors to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals facing various challenges.

Sunday School
Announcing New Sunday School class for grades 3-7.

We are offering a separate Sunday School class for older children. Meeting in PM Hall, we plan to offer more challenging and fun activities around the week's Bible lesson. We also need more teachers to staff this to keep up with our increasing number of children (Hooray!). Please see Tim or a member of the Children's Ministry Team. You can also sign up online to help.

Join us for Sunday School at 11:45 am

Our youth program at Carter offers a nurturing environment for kids in 6th through 12th grades to grow together in their faith and commitment to Christ. Weekly youth Sunday school offers a space for middle and high school students to engage Scripture, ask questions, share experiences, work through problems, and foster a personal, relevant faith.

Youth Group
In addition to weekly Sunday school, our youth have several opportunities to connect. One of the core tenets of our youth development approach is getting youth engaged in mission and outreach as a way to better understand and engage with the world around them.


"The yarn forms the stitches, the knitting forges the friendships, the craft links the generations."

The Knitting Group gathers on the first and third Tuesday mornings of each month from 10:00 am until Noon in the Volunteer Office.

Join in the fellowship and fun. All are welcome!
Questions? Call Cindy Vietor at 781-235-2090.

Bread of Life Ministry

Bread of Life is Carter's meal ministry, offering a meal to any who come. Whether needing food, fellowship, or community and the love of God, Bread of Life welcomed all to a home-cooked meal.

Prior to the pandemic Bread of Life met the first and third Tuesday evenings with a fellowship time, music, and service with a smile. Volunteers set up, cooked, served, and cleaned up each meal, including Carter members, community friends, and teens learning about community service. Costs were paid through free-will donations and Mission funds. We are currently working to bring our kitchen up to the new requirements of Needham Public Health. When that work is done we hope to restart the ministry.

If you would like to help with Bread of Life, please contact Beth Henrich at to volunteer. We will keep you all up to date on our progress and plans.